Bouquet Toss 2021

Who will be the next lucky lady?

Welcome to Bouquet toss video 2021. The Bride holding her bouquet. All of her ladies lined up hoping to catch it.  Given the countdown of three, two, one, off it goes. The sudden rush of potential next brides scrambles to catch it. Here are just some of the bouquet tosses of 2021

A brief history of the Bouquet.

ancient Greeks used fragrant herbs and spices to ward off evil spirits and bad luck. This included on their wedding day. In the middle ages, Brides would use fragrant herbs which represented lust. . The tradition of bouquets had stayed with us right to the present day. Catch the last Bouquet toss video Here

Bouquet toss

The bouquet toss originates from the UK

The Bouquet toss as it is known today started back in the 1800s.  Some single woman would rip the Bride’s dress to get a piece of her good luck. These women were desperate to find a husband to take them and their families out of poverty. Brides would literally throw their bouquets in the air and run. The bouquet toss tradition was created to help bestow good luck to avoid ruining the dress. 

It is fun for all the ladies

Today all ladies take part in a bouquet toss, not just the single one. Maybe some married ladies would like a renewal of their vows. 

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